Next Century Capital Campaign

We did it – The Next Century Campaign met its target! 

Thank you everyone who supported us in achieving the 1.5-million-dollar goal of the Next Century Capital Campaign! Your generous donations will help us achieve a number of significant capital projects, such as work on the basement level foundation, exterior lot development and other exciting improvements for your "Castle on the Hill". Ongoing projects also include working towards creating a permanent and public display on the Academy grounds for our beautifully restored 650 lb school bell, forged in 1895 at the Lunenburg Foundry. I will again offer a very big thank you to you, our donors and to our volunteer board members who are committed to the continued care and restoration of this important National Historic Site, Lunenburg Academy. We hope you will continue to support the work of the Lunenburg Academy Foundation as we ensure the future of this iconic landmark for generations to come. 

Tom Hayes, Chair of Fundraising

October 12, 2022
Iconic school bell to get a new home
August 3, 2022
Phase II, Saved by the Bell - Now it's your turn
July 8, 2022
Lunenburg brewery launches new brew for Lunenburg Academy Foundation

Thank you for helping us to preserve and share the rich history, culture and heritage of Lunenburg Academy National Historic Site. Your generous donation will help us tell the important story of Lunenburg Academy and the people of Lunenburg, locally, across Canada, and around the world! We thank you for your kind support!

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Please join us for a once in a lifetime opportunity to gift our National Historic treasure to future generations.
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